Mgr. Filip Kadlec, Dr.
THz spectroscopy of solids with an emphasis on phase transitions, conductivity mechanisms and dynamical material properties. Ultrafast properties of semiconductors. Research in phonons, magnons, electromagnons, bound and free charges, crystals with hydration.
Ing. Jan Rohlíček, Ph.D.
The daily bread of my work is the crystal structure determination and refinement from X-ray powder diffraction data and the development of the software that is used in the methodology. Our laboratory is well-equipped to collect high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction data that is suitable for crystal structure determination. We are able to study the phase […]
Ing. Barbora Špačková, Ph.D.
My research is concerned with theoretical and experimental aspects of nanooptics and nanofluidics, and their implementation in investigation of biological processes. My work aims to advance the knowledge of light-matter interaction and mass-transport at single molecule level, as well as to develop new applications which address the current topics in biochemistry, biophysics, and medicine. Currently, […]
Ing. Jakub Železný, Ph.D.
As a theoretical physicist, my research mainly focuses on spintronics, which is a field of condensed matter physics studying the utilization of electron spin in microelectronic devices. My primary interest lies in antiferromagnets and other non-conventional magnetic systems. I explore how electrical currents or optical pulses can interact with the magnetic order and how this […]
RNDr. Jaroslav Zálešák, Ph.D.
As a scientist I work in the field of experimental neutrino science, to which I moved from R&D research in calorimetry for the future linear accelerator (CALICE). Since 2016, I have been leading a consortium of Czech institutions participating in the new international neutrino mega project DUNE based in Fermilab and CERN. Our participation in […]
Dr. Alexey Yushkov
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are the most energetic (E > 10^18 eV) particles in the Universe. Their study provides us with unique opportunities for testing fundamental theories of particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and searches for new physics. The understanding of the mass composition of UHECRs is of crucial importance for making these tests succeed. Reliable […]
Ing. Luděk Vyšín, Ph.D.
In my research, I am focused on the irradiation of cellular and biomolecular (e.g., DNA and phospholipids) systems with soft X-ray (SXR) and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation under different conditions. Precise evaluation of radiation chemical yields requires accurate beam characterization with different techniques (ablative imprints and various types of dosimetry, incl. chemical dosimetry). This makes […]
Ing. Jan Vlček, Ph.D.
My research focuses on the design and development of new molecular materials which are investigated in form of thin films for their gas sensing properties. I am interested in the exploration of the morphological, physical and chemical properties of thin films that are suitable for gas detection. The sensing abilities of these thin film structures […]
Dr. Alexander Vikman
My primary area of focus in theoretical physics is the interface between gravity and high-energy physics. I am mostly focused on fundamental problems. Together with my co-authors, I have published two prominent papers that propose and analyze new classes of theories for dark energy and gravity modifications. These classes of theories, so-called Covariant Galileons [1] […]
Ing. Jakub Vícha, Ph.D.
My research is focused on the most energetic cosmic particles. The primary cosmic rays of ultra-high energies (10^18-20 eV) initiate extensive air showers of secondary particles. I study these air showers using data of the world-leading experiment – the Pierre Auger Observatory. I am also coordinating the involvement of the Czech group in the experiment […]